
12/27/2024 Friday 19-39F Cloudy

All the fallen branches in my garden, whether they were pruned off or broken by wind, were collected and stored in the woodshed/garage, such as the branches of roses, peach tree, boxwood, holly. After several months' natural drying procedure, they became perfect as firewood for winter. But I didn't pile them nicely; every time I passed by and saw this messy pile, I felt headachy.

Yesterday was sunny and warm, so I spent about two hours tidying it up--sawed the branches to the right length, stacked them by diameter.  Finally this winter we will be secured.

Different woods have different aromas when they are burning. My favorite aromas come from rose, peach, and elm. In the future if I can identify the wood from the chimney's smoke when I pass a house, just like running into an old friend on the street, I will be very happy.

Sitting in front of the burning fireplace long, my hair and clothes will catch the smell of the smoke, and I will feel like a yellow leaf basking in autumn sun--dry, warm, and fragrant.

Everything from Nature is beautiful, sunshine, rain, snow, trees, grass. We are privileged to have them.


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