06/07/2024 Friday 71-94F Partly Cloudy
We left Myrtle beach around 11:00am yesterday, and arrived Savannah at 3:04pm, another 230miles' drive. It seems like Savannah will be our destination, no Miami this time since too much drive, and I must be back home to water my plants.
As an ancient southern city, it is surrounded by centuries old, fluffy candler oak trees (like an old man's long beard), as well as huge, blooming magnolia grandiflora which gives this city a feminine touch. Besides, throughout the historic district, there are patches of flowers and plants everywhere to trim the beautiful architectures.
I particularly love the fragrant garden in Forsyth park, though I have more fragrant species in my garden. Perhaps because of its open iron fence mixing with solid white brick walls, which creates a more private courtyard feeling, like a typical Chinese garden.
Also, I love lowcountry boil, but I still think that the ones Michael cooked at home are better 😍
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