Spring Planting

03/11/2023 Drizzle 35-46F

Last Saturday we finally removed the two big holly trees in front of our house, which made me feel both sad yet happy. The sad part was--They were beautiful trees, a male and a female, and had guarded the house for over half century; the berry produce of the female fed birds and squirrels very well; While the happy part was--The gone of them made the house look cleaner, get more sun, and was good for the foundation of our porch.

This removal announced the beginning of our Spring planting: In the past few days, I was busy replanting, digging, pruning; yesterday we planted one lilac, one camellia and today we just planted one Jane magnolia tree. I ordered more Summer-Fall blooming bulbs this week, which should be the finish of this planting season.

Hope all my hard work will be rewarded with a beautiful blooming garden!


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